Australian Panels has been re-named as Porta.

A new Porta website is currently being developed which will include this complete product offer. In the meantime, you can continue to access your Australian Panels product and technical information here.

For Porta products, visit

Borg Manufacturing renamed to Australian Panels

Dear Valued Customer,

From 1st December 2020, the “Borg Manufacturing” sales division will be re-named Australian Panels.

Borg has owned the Australian Panels name for many years, and we consider it appropriate to re-brand the sales arm that looks after the commodity and structural brands: STRUCTAflor, COLOURpyne, CUSTOMwood, CUSTOMpine, Ultraprime, Easycraft and Inbuilt. The name change in marketing material will be relatively subtle and the transition will take several months to complete.